Color system
This is the color system we use at Contentful. There are 6 base colors, along with gray and black/white. Each color consists of 9 shades, ranging from 100
to 900
Colors overview
In rare cases, it's handy to use our base semantic colors. They are aliases for the respective 500
shade of each color and hold semantic meaning.
Gray is our main color used for typography, borders and element backgrounds.
Blue is our primary color and should be used when you want to highlight a primary action.
Green is used to highlight positive actions or messages. E.g. when showing a success message, a save action, or a marking a step as complete.
Red is used to highlight negative actions or messages. E.g. when performing a destructive action such as deleting content, for highlighting validation or application error messages, or for showing statuses with a negative context.
Purple is used sparingly as a generic highlight color. E.g. when highlighting premium value or trials.
Orange is used to highlight actions or messages which require attention but don't necessarily have a negative context. E.g. showing a draft/unpublished state, or showing a gentle warning message rather than an error message.
Yellow is used very sparingly. Use only when other colors aren't applicable or are already taken in a specific context.
Black text (anything darker than gray-800
) is WCAG AA accessible on shades ranging from 100
to 400
, white text is accessible on colors from 500
to 900
Combining shades
When combining multiple shades of the same color, keep to the following accessible combinations. The same combinations are possible across colors (with yellow being the only exception).